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    Digital Workplace Social Responsibility
    ‘Why Not… What?’ – Innovation Group Emerges from Intercity iD LAB Leadership Forum
    A new business forum has been established, in Manchester, to promote technology innovation in..
    Digital Workplace
    Technology doesn’t Drive Digital Transformation, People do
    I read recently that digital transformation is 1% tech, 99% people. On the whole, this is true...
    Digital Workplace
    Are you ready for 2018?
    Sometimes I feel like I want to break down and cry! As a technology consultant living in a world..
    Digital Workplace
    How to get the best results out of new technology
    At Intercity we understand that the right technology has the power to change your business.
    Digital Workplace
    How to Keep Track of your Data Usage
    Keeping track of your data usage can be difficult and some hideous costs can present themselves..
    Digital Workplace
    Protect your phone system from disaster with unified communications
    When you imagine the number of layers your business communications move through and the distance..
    Digital Workplace
    What Happens When the Wire Lets you Down?
    Using 4G to keep your business going, even if your ISDN or DSL connections fail Mobile hotspots,..