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    IT Security
    How do signature-based attacks work?
    Recently, whilst delving under the bonnet to find out what firewalls really do I came across the..
    IT Security
    How do firewalls work?
    Firewalls are something we take for granted, but as we've seen from some recent high profile..
    Lost in Translation: Different approaches to personal data
    This week Intercity held a Cyber Security event in Birmingham as part of Intercity's drive to..
    Future of Work IT Security
    The race for our attention - What do we really want to do in our lives?
    The best way to get someone's attention is to know how their mind works. If you have teenage..
    IT Security
    NCSC Advice about ZTE Equipment & Services
    The National Cyber Security Centre (part of GCHQ) is the UK’s authority on cyber security. Its main..
    Artificial Intelligence Digital Workplace IT Security
    Accelerate your digital workplace strategy with AI
    It’s looking like 2018 will be remembered as the year when AI (artificial intelligence) – or..
    Telemedicine: When IT means life or death
    During our recent cold snap in March 2018, Birmingham Community Healthcare reported that volunteer..
    IT Security Cloud
    How can businesses prepare for IT disaster?
    The type of IT disaster which concerns our customers isn’t courtesy of Mother Nature, their own..
    Digital Workplace
    Order to cash process: Why businesses struggle to streamline and what they can do about it
    Making a business more streamlined by removing the unnecessary parts depends on an understanding of..
    Unified Communications
    3 ways unified communications empowers a mobile workforce
    How attached are you to your mobile phone? The Bolton News recently reported that mourners were..