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    IT Security
    Gone phishing – Why Android and iPhone users are susceptible to cyber phishing scams
    We use our mobiles for everything. From arranging dinner dates to replying to work emails to..
    Technology News
    Tech 5 - Samsung's latest iPhone rival, summer-school hackathons and the demise of the fax machine
    Take note of the Samsung Note 9 With an enormous 6.4-inch screen and an S Pen full of wizardry,..
    iOS vs Android - The mobile security wars
    We all have our own preference. Whether you’re a loyal Apple customer, or you’ve never been tempted..
    Technology News
    Intercity Tech5: AI tour guides, Morse code for your smartphone and Facebook's hefty fine
    So maybe it’s coming home, but it’s just not coming home yet. There’s always a tech talking point..
    IT Security
    Can you afford to be scared to do something when it comes to cybersecurity?
    In a world where our personal data is a currency of trust, the risk of not putting your investment..
    Intercity's #girlgang at The Women of Silicon Roundabout
    The term ‘empowered female’ might evoke images of a leotard-clad Beyonce or a smart but stylish..
    Intercity Tech5: The English digital skills-gap, sharing a hotel room with Alexa, and memes under threat
    The English digital skills-gap The main feature of our latest summer edition of Intercity Tech..
    IT Security
    Infosec2018 – from live-hack fails to password managers and combating the rise of ransomware
    Cybersecurity is big business when malware and phishing schemes show no signs of slowing (and the..
    Technology News
    Intercity Tech5: Future-forward football, takeaways dropping from the sky and the Silicon Valley of the UK
    In terms of tech, there are always top-trends and big headlines. This week’s Tech5 looks at Newbury..
    What can multiculturalism teach you about your business’ mobile strategy?
    It's always great to have the diversity of our wider society represented in our workplaces. Not..